Monday 30 April 2018

Law of Reflection – The World Outside is The Refection of The World Inside

I remember the day when I became a father. It was one of the happiest and amazing moments of my life. That special and unforgettable experience makes me smile always.😊

I was holding a magnificent human body which had just arrived on this planet. My wife and I were astonishingly witnessing this new creation of human life. We were happy about being contributors towards this great creation.

I am sure, such moments are memorable for every parent.

The process of creation is a natural miracle. There are several scientific studies available to know the process of birth. However, I wonder about the Universal Laws that play a wonderful role in the process of creating a new life. The universal power and energy work automatically in this creation process.

In my childhood, I had heard the old adage “Je pindi te brahmandi”. It means the principle found in a living body is the same that found in the universe.

I started to research if it’s true and why it is so. During my research, I realized that we’re an integral part of the universe.

The life mechanism that exists in the universe, it does exist within us. The rules that are applicable to this universe are applicable to us. If we start understanding us, we will start understanding the universe.

Our body is one of the greatest creations of the universe. Each part of our body is carefully designed, crafted and positioned. Each part of our body has its own role and function. Each part of our body is important and responsible to keep the entire body functioning.

See the way our mouth, nose, eyes, ears are considerately positioned so that they can complement one another. For example – Food works as fuel to our body. While eating food, the eyes see it, the nose smells it and when it’s a suitable food, the mouth accepts it. Rest of the body parts support this process as needed. A lot of our body functions are automated (For example – Growth process, digestion, blood circulation, blood purification, energy generation/consumption etc.)

As per medical science, our body changes every day at a minute level. Millions of cells take birth, live and die in our body every day. Similarly, millions of creatures take birth, live and die on the earth every day and millions of stars take birth, live and die in this universe every day.

The way we take birth, live and die, each object of this universe take birth, live and die. The functionality that exists within us, it’s the same functionality that exists in the universe. 

There are various scientific studies, articles published describing the similarities between the human body and the universe. Here, we won’t get into the specifics of scientific research. However, we will understand how Universal Laws play an important role in our life.

Would like to highlight few of the similarities between our body and the universe:

·       Our body is made of innumerable cells. Our planet is made of innumerable creatures. Each star is made of innumerable known and unknown factors. This universe is made of innumerable Stars and Galaxies.
·       In our body, birth, nurturing and death of cells is a continuous process. In the universe, birth, nurturing and death of stars is a continuous process.
·       Each cell in our body has its own function and it supports the functions of the whole body. Similarly, each star is different but contributes formation of the whole universe
·       Growth and most of the functions of our body are automatic. This universe is also on the automatic mode.
·       Each part of our boy is important to balance the whole body. Similarly, each part of this universe is important to balance the functionality of the whole universe.

The universal laws are unbiased. Since we are part of this universe, all the universal laws are applicable to us. Hence, we need to understand and abide by the universal laws of nature while taking any action to get the desired results.

We are a very small formation of the immense formation of the universe. We are like a drop in the ocean. If we can understand the unlimited expansion of this universe, we can understand the limited existence of our life.

All our actions in the form of thinking, speaking and doing get reflected in the universe. We need to be genuine in our actions. We may cheat people, but not the universe. For the universe, there is nothing right or wrong. It just works as per the predefined rules.

In whatever way we act, the universe responds in the same manner. When we reflect smiles, we get more smiles. When we reflect frowns, we get more frowns.
We keep experiencing things that we reflect. Hence, it’s important to reflect the thing that we would love to have with us.
            Reflect love to have a loving life
            Reflect happiness to experience more happiness
            Reflect healthy habits to be fit and fine
Reflect prosperity to be more prosperous
Reflect kindness to get cared
Reflect respect to live a respectful life

It’s important to forget our pride and bow down to the immense creation of the universe and its creator!

We need to respect, complement and cooperate with each other to harmonize with the universe. The more we support the universe and natural system, the more support we get from the universe to be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Live Natural! 😊

1 comment:

  1. (If we start understanding us, we will start understanding the universe)
    Very nice.


Universal Law of Automation

In the earlier Blogs, we understood how The Universal Laws of Nature play a very important role in our life and learned The Law o...