Sunday 13 January 2019

Universal Law of Automation

In the earlier Blogs, we understood how The Universal Laws of Nature play a very important role in our life and learned The Law of Reflection. In this Blog, let’s understand the Law of Automation.

In today’s hi-tech world, we focus on automation in every aspect of our life to increase productivity and improve quality by reducing manual efforts. Here, we will try to understand how natural automation impacts our lives inside out.

The Universe is the greatest example of natural automation. It functions according to the predefined rules. We are a very small part of this infinite process of automation, we are a measurable form of this immeasurable formation. Creation, Maintenance and Destruction process continues across the universe constantly.

When we look around, everywhere we see innumerable examples of natural automation. Let’s take an example of a human body – Automation of a human body starts in mother’s womb. Formation of a human body starts when a cell which starts multiplying and magnifying. Billions of cells start forming a human’s body automatically. This process is predefined and takes specific time to complete formation of a human body. Likewise, every natural creation goes through the automation process, takes specific time to take birth, exists for a specific time and ends.

The great saint Tukaram reiterated the universal automation in the following words (Abhanga):

उपजे ते नाशे!
नाशीले ते पुनरपी दिसे!
हे घटिका यंत्र जैसे!
परीभ्रमे गा!!

It means everything that takes birth, dies and takes birth again. This process continues like a clock.

One important factor which impacts the time frame and state of every creation, existence and the ending is the Cosmic Force or Cosmic Energy. This energy is fuelled by innumerable known and unknown factors. Some of the known factors are thoughts, human experiments, biological, environmental, and geographical conditions etc.

The holy Bhagvat Geeta says –

कर्मणयेवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

Means we need to keep on performing our actions without worrying about the results. This one line clearly explains the law of automation in brief.

We don’t need to worry and/or expect results of our actions because results of our actions are automated based upon the predefined rules of The Universe.

We know that –
Input is based upon output
Garbage in, garbage out
We reap what we sow
Action triggers reaction

It means results of our actions are automatic and uncontrollable. It doesn’t matter whether the results are good or bad. They are absolutely automated. Hence, there is no point in worrying about the uncontrollable and automated results.

What is controllable in our life is our actions. We must focus on our actions to get the desired results. If our actions are in place, the result will fall in place automatically.

Scale and Time of results depend upon the scale and quality of actions.

What we are today is the result of what we did yesterday and what we will be tomorrow is the result of what we do today. Our present is designed based on our past actions and our future will be designed based on our present actions.

Sometimes, it seems that results are not corresponding to actions. We see some people are successful even after doing wrong things and some people are not so successful even after doing a lot of hard work. It’s not always what we see.

Sometimes, Law of Universal Automation works mysteriously. We don’t know which action will turn into results at what time. The way every seed goes through dormancy and hibernation time, actions wait for the right time to turn into results.

Actions are primarily performed in three ways –
Physical Actions (Achar),
Thoughts (Vichar) and,
Speaking (Ucchar).

We need to monitor, control and refine our actions all the times to make our life happy, healthy and wealthy.

We are an integral part of the universe and can’t get separated from it. It’s like being a drop in the ocean. We strive to be independent in our lives to a certain degree. However, the fact is that we can’t be fully independent and have to depend upon people, nature, and various other factors. Hence, we need to respect each other, help each other and progress together.

We need to be thankful to our family, community, nature and ultimately the universe for helping us to be what we are today and what we will be tomorrow.

Though there are helping or contributing factors, amongst all we play the major role in shaping up our life.

Metaphorically, if life is a car, several factors (Car’s Body, Engine, tires, headlights, wipers etc.) are important to run the car, but without a driver, it can’t run (Unless auto-drive technology is used 😊). We are the driver of our life’s car. We drive it by taking appropriate actions. If actions go wrong, we know what can happen…

We can’t change our past actions, but we always have an opportunity to do better in the present and keep purifying our actions day by day so that the universal automation works in our favour automatically.

Let’s be mindful of our actions to enhance our lives and contribute to making this world more beautiful.

Good Actions = Good Life 😊

Monday 30 April 2018

Law of Reflection – The World Outside is The Refection of The World Inside

I remember the day when I became a father. It was one of the happiest and amazing moments of my life. That special and unforgettable experience makes me smile always.😊

I was holding a magnificent human body which had just arrived on this planet. My wife and I were astonishingly witnessing this new creation of human life. We were happy about being contributors towards this great creation.

I am sure, such moments are memorable for every parent.

The process of creation is a natural miracle. There are several scientific studies available to know the process of birth. However, I wonder about the Universal Laws that play a wonderful role in the process of creating a new life. The universal power and energy work automatically in this creation process.

In my childhood, I had heard the old adage “Je pindi te brahmandi”. It means the principle found in a living body is the same that found in the universe.

I started to research if it’s true and why it is so. During my research, I realized that we’re an integral part of the universe.

The life mechanism that exists in the universe, it does exist within us. The rules that are applicable to this universe are applicable to us. If we start understanding us, we will start understanding the universe.

Our body is one of the greatest creations of the universe. Each part of our body is carefully designed, crafted and positioned. Each part of our body has its own role and function. Each part of our body is important and responsible to keep the entire body functioning.

See the way our mouth, nose, eyes, ears are considerately positioned so that they can complement one another. For example – Food works as fuel to our body. While eating food, the eyes see it, the nose smells it and when it’s a suitable food, the mouth accepts it. Rest of the body parts support this process as needed. A lot of our body functions are automated (For example – Growth process, digestion, blood circulation, blood purification, energy generation/consumption etc.)

As per medical science, our body changes every day at a minute level. Millions of cells take birth, live and die in our body every day. Similarly, millions of creatures take birth, live and die on the earth every day and millions of stars take birth, live and die in this universe every day.

The way we take birth, live and die, each object of this universe take birth, live and die. The functionality that exists within us, it’s the same functionality that exists in the universe. 

There are various scientific studies, articles published describing the similarities between the human body and the universe. Here, we won’t get into the specifics of scientific research. However, we will understand how Universal Laws play an important role in our life.

Would like to highlight few of the similarities between our body and the universe:

·       Our body is made of innumerable cells. Our planet is made of innumerable creatures. Each star is made of innumerable known and unknown factors. This universe is made of innumerable Stars and Galaxies.
·       In our body, birth, nurturing and death of cells is a continuous process. In the universe, birth, nurturing and death of stars is a continuous process.
·       Each cell in our body has its own function and it supports the functions of the whole body. Similarly, each star is different but contributes formation of the whole universe
·       Growth and most of the functions of our body are automatic. This universe is also on the automatic mode.
·       Each part of our boy is important to balance the whole body. Similarly, each part of this universe is important to balance the functionality of the whole universe.

The universal laws are unbiased. Since we are part of this universe, all the universal laws are applicable to us. Hence, we need to understand and abide by the universal laws of nature while taking any action to get the desired results.

We are a very small formation of the immense formation of the universe. We are like a drop in the ocean. If we can understand the unlimited expansion of this universe, we can understand the limited existence of our life.

All our actions in the form of thinking, speaking and doing get reflected in the universe. We need to be genuine in our actions. We may cheat people, but not the universe. For the universe, there is nothing right or wrong. It just works as per the predefined rules.

In whatever way we act, the universe responds in the same manner. When we reflect smiles, we get more smiles. When we reflect frowns, we get more frowns.
We keep experiencing things that we reflect. Hence, it’s important to reflect the thing that we would love to have with us.
            Reflect love to have a loving life
            Reflect happiness to experience more happiness
            Reflect healthy habits to be fit and fine
Reflect prosperity to be more prosperous
Reflect kindness to get cared
Reflect respect to live a respectful life

It’s important to forget our pride and bow down to the immense creation of the universe and its creator!

We need to respect, complement and cooperate with each other to harmonize with the universe. The more we support the universe and natural system, the more support we get from the universe to be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Live Natural! 😊

Friday 20 April 2018

The Universal Laws of Nature – Unfolding the Facts

Do you know that everything happens in our Life, Family, Society, City, state, Country, Planet, Solar system, Galaxy and The Universe according to The Universal Laws of Nature?

Do these laws impact our lives?

Do the Universal Laws of Nature even exist?

I have been trying my best to find answers to these questions. Let’s first understand if there are any laws or rules exist in this universe.

I completely believe that everything happens in our life and the whole universe according to The Universal Laws of Nature. The whole universe runs or works according to certain predefined rules or laws. If there were no laws, a calendar wouldn’t have been created.

Below are some of the testimonies that make us believe that the Universal Laws of Nature do exist.
  • The earth takes a certain amount of time to rotate around itself and around the sun
  • Every planet takes a certain amount of time to rotate around itself and around the sun
  • The entire Solar System works with certain predefined timelines and rules
  • The moon rises on the earth every day late by 50 minutes
  • Eclipses happen on the specific days and time
  • A comet shows up on a specific day and time
  • Natural seasons change during the specific time
  • Our body functions with certain predefined rules
  • A plant grows and flourishes with certain predefined rules
  • A lot of scientific predictions are done on the basis of the Universal Laws of Nature
This list is endless!...

Okay. Now we know that The Universal Laws of Nature do exist.
But –

What’s the significance of these laws?

Do they play any role in our life?

YES! Absolutely.

If yes, HOW? 

We will understand the "HOW" factor slowly and gradually.

We all are the travelers on a path called “LIFE”. Everybody may walk a different path, but the ultimate goal is to be successful in whatever we do. This path is full of challenges to which we always keep on finding solutions.

Everybody in the world strives for SUCCESS every day, every moment. We want to be successful in anything and everything we do. We try all the possible ways to achieve what we want. We want certain results out of whatever we do. If we get results as per our expectation, we call it a SUCCESS. If those results are not as per our expectations, we call it a FAILURE. The game of SUCCESS and FAILURE goes on throughout our life.

In short, we provide some input to get some output. Our output is absolutely based on the input we provide. This process continues until the end our life.

We need to remember that SUCCESS is not a one-time phenomenon, it’s a continuous process. It’s the combined result of our ongoing actions. Moreover, it’s a state of mind.

In today’s hi-tech world, we have access to every information. However, the challenge lies in filtering that information and using it to our advantage. A lot of people are misled and lost in the complex web of information and struggling hard to find which information is right and which one to ignore. In this fast-changing world, science and technology are impacting our lives significantly and opening new avenues of growth and development. However, at the same time, our life challenges have started increasing. Today, we are struggling with a lot of personal, professional, and social challenges. These life challenges are hitting us in different ways and forms – Lifestyle deceases (Blood pressure, Diabetes, Depression etc.), stress, fear, anxiety, different addictions, criminal activities etc.

It's vital to acknowledge the power and energy of The Universal Laws of Nature that exist in the universe. If the mankind understands these Universal Laws of Nature and starts adopting them in our daily life, a lot of life challenges would be resolved and our life will be at peace. Most of us experience most of the Universal Laws in one or the other ways. However, it’s utmost important to understand the functionality of those laws and how they play a critical role in our lives so that their adoption becomes easy.

The universe is the greatest automation and its laws are applicable to everybody and everything that exists.


They demonstrate PERFECTION.

There is NO BIAS, NO TRICK, and NO MERCY in the universe. It’s wise to UNDERSTAND, RESPECT and ACCEPT the Universal Laws of Nature for the betterment of our life.


We need to understand the power & energy of the Universal Laws of Nature and mold ourselves accordingly to be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

We will understand and contemplate on some of the critical Universal Laws of Nature in my forthcoming Blogs.

Take Care! 😊

Thursday 12 April 2018

Change Is Inescapable – Face It!

I remember the days when I entered the corporate world. After joining an MNC, I was aligned to a project. Slowly and gradually, I got involved in the project activities. A lot of my colleagues became my good friends. As a team, we used to have a great time while working together and even after office hours, we used to plan a lot of fun activities. In short, the team bonding was really a great and there was a “Feel Good” factor while working.

This “Feel Good” factor didn’t last for long until we got to know that the project would shut down. For some reason, project agreement didn’t work out with the client. As a result, our leadership decided to redeploy the whole team into different projects. Everybody in the team couldn’t digest this change and was not ready to move into a different project. Nobody in the team was willing to leave the current project with such a short notice.

After constant persuading of our leads, some of us became ready to move into another project, but they were ready to move only with specific team members (close friends).

Ultimately, after rigorous efforts from the leads, the all the team members were redeployed to different projects. This was my first change in the corporate world which was difficult to digest for me. It took me a couple of years to understand why it is important for the business to take certain tough decisions.

Later, I worked on various projects as per business requirement which pushed me through different changes and shaped my professional career. Some of the changes were very challenging and some of them were not so challenging. However, challenges were common across the changes. Over a period of time, I realized that the change is constant and it’s important for our growth and development. Hence, we should embrace the change and adapt ourselves to the changing environment for the betterment of our life. We can't escape ourselves from the change.

At different stages of our Personal, Professional and Social life, we experience several changes. Sometimes, we don’t realize whether the change is good or not. That’s when we should expand our horizons of knowledge, contact the experts and take a conscious decision about tackling the change.

Today, business fundamentals are evolving fast and we need to cope up with worldwide changes. We need to be competent in the business and be flexible to meet increasing demands of the business world. Our flexibility to accept the change and being relevant in the business will open up new avenues of growth and development for the organization and the employees.

At a professional level, we experience certain changes - For example, setting up a new business, joining a new company, appointment of a new boss, new project assignment, joining a new team, working with different stakeholders, changes in organizational policies etc. These changes are part and parcel of the professional life. The one who strongly sails through these changes grows well in his/her professional life.

At a personal level, we experience changes in ourselves, in our family, friends, and relatives. As time passes, we change physically and mentally. Some changes are visible and some are not. We experience certain changes in our personal life – For example, joining school first time/joining new school, meeting new friends, appointment of a new teacher, starting college life, getting into intimate relationship, getting married, managing relationships with family members after marriage, becoming a father/mother, dealing with kids, dealing with generation gaps etc. If we can adapt to these changes strongly and coolly, our life would become easy.

If we don’t understand and accept the changes in our family, it could impact our family relations adversely. Each generation is going through innumerable changes which we need to understand and accommodate each other for the betterment of everybody’s life. I don’t mean to forget our value system. However, mapping values with the constant change will make our life easy and meaningful.

At a social level, changes are happening continuously around us. Some changes we like and some we don’t. We need to do our best to add a value to our society. After all, we are social animals. We are interdependent on one another directly or indirectly. We know the famous quote “We should change the things that we can and accept the things that we can’t change”.

Great Mahatma Gandhi has said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world”.

Let’s put our best foot forward to be part of the journey of change.

In short, change is constant, change is inevitable, change is a must. If we understand the importance of change, there is no point in getting stressed about the changes that we experience. 

Let’s be open and flexible to experience the changes and make ourselves strong enough to be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Wishing you a powerful life! 😊

Thursday 5 April 2018

The Joy of Helping!

One day I was walking in the main market area of Thane city. In the evening, the area was very crowded. Besides the pedestrian path, construction work of a drainage was going on. There was a lot of debris and construction material near the pedestrian path. In the busy hours, it was very difficult for the walkers to make their way through the crowd. People were prone to get stumbled or hurt due to the construction work. Hence, it was important for everybody to walk carefully.

While I was rushing through the crowd, I heard a noise of somebody stumbling behind me. I turned around to see what happened. I saw a visually impaired man trying to make his way to the Thane railway station with help of a stick in his hand. He might be about 50 years old. A man supported him to balance himself and went his way. Gratefully, the visually impaired man was not hurt.

I noticed that the man was walking towards the railway station. I approached him and offered my assistance. I told him that there was a construction work going on near the pedestrian path and asked him to be careful while walking. He said, “Yes, I will be careful”. I told him that I would walk with him to the station. He told me that there was no need to walk with him to the railway station. He said, “It will be great if you can help me cross the road and take me to the starting point of the footbridge that connects to the railway station”. I agreed and started walking with him.

He held my right hand and started walking with me. It took me a couple of minutes to cross the road and take him to the place he wanted. While we were walking, I was providing him information about what kind of construction work was going on and how he needs to be careful. While crossing the road, I was telling him that there was a lot of traffic on the road and we needed to wait and walk slowly. While we were walking, he asked my name and general information about what I do and where I stay. He politely told me that it was his regular way where he walks every day with the help of his stick. However, due to the construction work, he couldn’t make out his way and stumbled.

We reached near the entry point of the bridge. He thanked me and told me that he can manage himself from that point onwards. I asked him if he can walk to the railway station and take the train by himself. He told me that he travels between Thane and Dombivali daily without anybody’s support. I was happy to hear that he was confident about traveling on his own. He said ‘goodbye’ to me with a smile and started walking on his way. For few moments, I looked at him walking ahead confidently and wished for his safety. I was very happy to help him.

I saluted his spirit of accepting himself and living with a smile!

I remembered my college days when I had gotten an opportunity to become a writer for a visually impaired student during his exam. He was very thankful for my assistance and I was very happy to help him.

There are such special people around us. We should be ready to help them as much as we can. Most of the times, we are so busy and worried about our own needs that we forget there are people in the world who need our help. The infrastructure around us keeps on changing and enhancing. We should proactively inform the visually impaired people we know about the changes in the infrastructure around them so that they learn and adapt themselves to the changes.

The city corporation needs to be very careful while doing a construction work and needs to have a systematic approach to help the special people until the construction work is completed.

We can certainly do the things that are in our control.

Let’s be thankful and grateful to the Almighty God for giving us the incredible body with the ability to see the beautiful world. 

Let’s always be ready to help the special people to make their life easy and experience the joy of helping.

Have a helpful and joyful living! ðŸ˜Š

Friday 30 March 2018

The Power to Shine & Glow!

It was a burning sunny day during the summer! In the noon, I had stepped out for my work. Due to the extreme heat, I was drinking water every now and then to keep my body hydrated. For sun protection, a lot of people were wearing hats, sunglasses and some people were protecting themselves with umbrellas. The restaurants serving cold drinks and ice creams were crowded with buyers. People were using all the possible tactics to beat the heat.

I was passing by a Garden. I thought of sitting in the shadow of a tree to relax for some time. I sat down and looked up at the tree. I was delighted to see the magnificent view of the tree. The tree was fully flourished with red flowers. I could hardly see any leaves but could see plenty of flowers on every branch. The shadow of the tree was very dense because of the numerous flowers on it. The flowers were shining and creating a soothing effect.

It was a Gulmohar Tree (Delonix Regia Plant) which generally blooms during the summer. It’s also called the flame tree because of its sharp red flowers. In the garden, there were a few Gulmohar Trees with yellow flowers (Yellow Flamboyan Royal Poinciana Delonix Regia) which were also looking extremely beautiful. The shining and glowing flowers were giving an elegant look to the trees.

I was amazed to see the glowing flowers under the burning sun. I started thinking how come these delicate flowers look so fresh and radiant in the awful heat. The heat was so terrible that if you put a wet cloth under the sun, it would go dry in a few minutes. I was wondering what was driving these flowers to bloom with a radiance in such a terrible temperature.

I realized that these flowers shine due to its strong support system. The trunk of a tree functions as both a supporting structure and a pathway, transporting food down from the photosynthesizing leaves and conducting water and minerals up from the roots. The underground parts and the above-ground parts of the tree work together flawlessly to provide a strong support to the whole structure of the tree and the delicate flowers. There is a continuous flow of energy that gives power to the delicate flowers to glow under the burning sun. They shine irrespective of the adverse climatic conditions. Everybody enjoys the splendid view of the flourished trees.

In our life, we always like to be a shining face. The shine of each face depends upon its support system. Support system plays a pivotal role in everybody’s life. Everybody has his/her own support system that provides energy to flourish and shine in any situation. We may have different support systems that help us shine in different areas of our life.

In our personal life, our own value system, belief system, skills, habits, and behavior play a very important role in boosting our shine.

In our family life, paying due attention to our family members and maintaining good relations with them help us increase our shine.

In our professional life, our relationship with our team, subordinates, juniors, seniors and our stakeholders play a key role in enhancing our shine.

In our social life, relationship with our friends, relatives and our well-wishers play an essential role in improving our shine.

We need to do our best to nurture and strengthen each support system to help ourselves shine.

I would say that the core support systems of our life are – our own Self and our Family. Hence, it’s utmost important to first nurture and strengthen these support systems. We first need to take good care of ourselves and our family. It’s crucial to molding ourselves with the right education, skills, habits, and behavior to enhance our life. Simultaneously, it’s vital to pay due attention to our family so that they stand by us at every stage of our life. If we do this diligently, the energy would definitely continue to flow to glow our life.

Whenever we see somebody is shining with success, remember that it’s not only him/her that has contributed to the shine, but also that person’s support systems have contributed directly/indirectly in advancing his/her shine.

Let’s contemplate for a moment and do a status check of our support systems. Are they strong enough to help us shine? If yes, continue to nurture them. If not, it’s time to plan and take a necessary action…

Wishing You a Flourishing and a Shining Life! 😊

Thursday 22 March 2018

Be A Medium – It Feels Good! :)

One day, when I was entering my office gate, somebody said: “Hello Sir” from my back. I turned around to check if anybody called me. There was a teenage boy who had called me. He looked poor and needy. I asked him the reason for calling me. He said “I need a job. Do you have one?”

I was little surprised to hear him asking for a job by calling me. I thought for a moment and told him to wait outside for few minutes. I had no idea whether there was any job opportunity in our office. I quickly met the office administrator and checked if there was any job opportunity for a needy teenage boy. She told me that there is no job opportunity in the office. However, in the factory, there was a need for a helper in the packaging department. I quickly went outside and told him whether he was interested in being a helper in the packaging department. He quickly said, “Yes, I will be happy to work from today”. I asked him his name. He said “Mangesh”.

With the admin's permission, I asked Mangesh to visit the factory and meet the factory manager to complete the joining formalities. He visited the factory on the same day, completed his joining formalities and joined the work from the next day. Thereafter, he started working in the packaging department with his full interest.

My role was to coordinate with the factory for timely production and timely delivery of the goods. While working, I used to connect with Mangesh and ask him about how he was doing his work. He used to be very happy about sharing his progress in learning the packaging. He was very happy to find work for his living and was doing his best to deliver the superior performance.

After a couple of years, I resigned from that office and joined a new company for better prospects. Mangesh called me when he got to know about my resignation. He said that he was very thankful to me for helping him get a job because he was in a dire need to earn some money to support his family. I told him that there was nothing much that I had done. It was his effort and capability to get the job.

A couple of years passed. I got busy with my new work.

One day, I got a call from Mangesh. I asked him about his work. He told me that he had started leading the packaging team. I was very happy to know his progress. He started his journey as a helper in the packaging department and over the years, he became a leader in the same department. We had a long call talking about the old factory days and at the end of the call, he again thanked me for contributing towards his success.

I was just a medium to connect him with the opportunity. In fact, there was nothing much I had done for him, but I chose to become a medium. It was all his hard work that had contributed towards his success. However, Mangesh was very much thankful to me for touching his life positively. 

In my personal and professional life, I have been trying my best to guide, develop people and become a medium to connect them to the various opportunities. A lot of them are in touch with me. They show a great amount of gratitude for my little contribution. It feels good! :)

All of us should have a few people that must have become a medium to connect us to our dreams and our better future. Let’s remember them and thank them for their contribution to help us become what we are today.

Touch somebody's life positively and be a medium to somebody’s happiness and success. It really feels good! 😊

Mangesh still calls me sometimes. We care for each other and keep wishing best for each other. I learned something from Mangesh - No work is small. With continuous efforts, we can master any task and achieve great results.

Wishing You A Happy and A Successful Life!

Universal Law of Automation

In the earlier Blogs, we understood how The Universal Laws of Nature play a very important role in our life and learned The Law o...