Sunday 13 January 2019

Universal Law of Automation

In the earlier Blogs, we understood how The Universal Laws of Nature play a very important role in our life and learned The Law of Reflection. In this Blog, let’s understand the Law of Automation.

In today’s hi-tech world, we focus on automation in every aspect of our life to increase productivity and improve quality by reducing manual efforts. Here, we will try to understand how natural automation impacts our lives inside out.

The Universe is the greatest example of natural automation. It functions according to the predefined rules. We are a very small part of this infinite process of automation, we are a measurable form of this immeasurable formation. Creation, Maintenance and Destruction process continues across the universe constantly.

When we look around, everywhere we see innumerable examples of natural automation. Let’s take an example of a human body – Automation of a human body starts in mother’s womb. Formation of a human body starts when a cell which starts multiplying and magnifying. Billions of cells start forming a human’s body automatically. This process is predefined and takes specific time to complete formation of a human body. Likewise, every natural creation goes through the automation process, takes specific time to take birth, exists for a specific time and ends.

The great saint Tukaram reiterated the universal automation in the following words (Abhanga):

उपजे ते नाशे!
नाशीले ते पुनरपी दिसे!
हे घटिका यंत्र जैसे!
परीभ्रमे गा!!

It means everything that takes birth, dies and takes birth again. This process continues like a clock.

One important factor which impacts the time frame and state of every creation, existence and the ending is the Cosmic Force or Cosmic Energy. This energy is fuelled by innumerable known and unknown factors. Some of the known factors are thoughts, human experiments, biological, environmental, and geographical conditions etc.

The holy Bhagvat Geeta says –

कर्मणयेवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

Means we need to keep on performing our actions without worrying about the results. This one line clearly explains the law of automation in brief.

We don’t need to worry and/or expect results of our actions because results of our actions are automated based upon the predefined rules of The Universe.

We know that –
Input is based upon output
Garbage in, garbage out
We reap what we sow
Action triggers reaction

It means results of our actions are automatic and uncontrollable. It doesn’t matter whether the results are good or bad. They are absolutely automated. Hence, there is no point in worrying about the uncontrollable and automated results.

What is controllable in our life is our actions. We must focus on our actions to get the desired results. If our actions are in place, the result will fall in place automatically.

Scale and Time of results depend upon the scale and quality of actions.

What we are today is the result of what we did yesterday and what we will be tomorrow is the result of what we do today. Our present is designed based on our past actions and our future will be designed based on our present actions.

Sometimes, it seems that results are not corresponding to actions. We see some people are successful even after doing wrong things and some people are not so successful even after doing a lot of hard work. It’s not always what we see.

Sometimes, Law of Universal Automation works mysteriously. We don’t know which action will turn into results at what time. The way every seed goes through dormancy and hibernation time, actions wait for the right time to turn into results.

Actions are primarily performed in three ways –
Physical Actions (Achar),
Thoughts (Vichar) and,
Speaking (Ucchar).

We need to monitor, control and refine our actions all the times to make our life happy, healthy and wealthy.

We are an integral part of the universe and can’t get separated from it. It’s like being a drop in the ocean. We strive to be independent in our lives to a certain degree. However, the fact is that we can’t be fully independent and have to depend upon people, nature, and various other factors. Hence, we need to respect each other, help each other and progress together.

We need to be thankful to our family, community, nature and ultimately the universe for helping us to be what we are today and what we will be tomorrow.

Though there are helping or contributing factors, amongst all we play the major role in shaping up our life.

Metaphorically, if life is a car, several factors (Car’s Body, Engine, tires, headlights, wipers etc.) are important to run the car, but without a driver, it can’t run (Unless auto-drive technology is used 😊). We are the driver of our life’s car. We drive it by taking appropriate actions. If actions go wrong, we know what can happen…

We can’t change our past actions, but we always have an opportunity to do better in the present and keep purifying our actions day by day so that the universal automation works in our favour automatically.

Let’s be mindful of our actions to enhance our lives and contribute to making this world more beautiful.

Good Actions = Good Life 😊

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Universal Law of Automation

In the earlier Blogs, we understood how The Universal Laws of Nature play a very important role in our life and learned The Law o...