Sunday 25 February 2018

Feeling Upset? - Read About A Head Turning Beauty

It was a little unhappy day for me. I wasn’t feeling like going to work as I didn’t get the expected salary increment and I was upset with my boss. I still had to go to work due to my work responsibilities.

I was rushing to take my regular train to work. As I was climbing the staircase, I saw a beautiful girl standing near the ticket counter. It seemed she was waiting for somebody. Her divine beauty drew my attention and I couldn’t hold myself from looking at her for few seconds.

The moment we see something beautiful, we feel good, don’t we? 😊

I felt like looking at her for few more moments, but I had to rush to work to avoid a late mark.  While moving ahead, I wanted to look at her once as she was truly a head-turning beauty.

This time, the moment I turned around I realized that she was physically disabled. It looked like she had lost her left hand below the elbow in an accident. However, there were no signs of this shortcoming on her face. Her face was glowing with a magical smile.

This incident made me think deeply. What does it take to be happy? Will we be happy after all our desires are fulfilled and expectations are met?

The answer is “NO”.

We can be happy in whatever situation we are. Most of the times we keep worrying about the things that we don’t have instead of being grateful for the things that we have.

When we are grateful for the things that we are blessed with, we will be blessed with more of such great things in our life.

Think of the great things you are blessed with and be thankful for them. Find your balancing keys to balance your emotions, relationships, health, wealth and well-being.

Let’s take a deep breath and SMILE! 😊

Have A Gorgeous Living!! 😊

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