Sunday 25 February 2018

Feeling Upset? - Read About A Head Turning Beauty

It was a little unhappy day for me. I wasn’t feeling like going to work as I didn’t get the expected salary increment and I was upset with my boss. I still had to go to work due to my work responsibilities.

I was rushing to take my regular train to work. As I was climbing the staircase, I saw a beautiful girl standing near the ticket counter. It seemed she was waiting for somebody. Her divine beauty drew my attention and I couldn’t hold myself from looking at her for few seconds.

The moment we see something beautiful, we feel good, don’t we? 😊

I felt like looking at her for few more moments, but I had to rush to work to avoid a late mark.  While moving ahead, I wanted to look at her once as she was truly a head-turning beauty.

This time, the moment I turned around I realized that she was physically disabled. It looked like she had lost her left hand below the elbow in an accident. However, there were no signs of this shortcoming on her face. Her face was glowing with a magical smile.

This incident made me think deeply. What does it take to be happy? Will we be happy after all our desires are fulfilled and expectations are met?

The answer is “NO”.

We can be happy in whatever situation we are. Most of the times we keep worrying about the things that we don’t have instead of being grateful for the things that we have.

When we are grateful for the things that we are blessed with, we will be blessed with more of such great things in our life.

Think of the great things you are blessed with and be thankful for them. Find your balancing keys to balance your emotions, relationships, health, wealth and well-being.

Let’s take a deep breath and SMILE! 😊

Have A Gorgeous Living!! 😊

Sunday 18 February 2018

Dispute With Your Loved One? Here Is A Quick Solution…

One day, I had a minor dispute with my wife which made me upset. As a result, I stopped talking to her and started blaming her for triggering unhappy emotions in my mind. I started thinking that I got married to a wrong girl who doesn’t understand me and is not bothered about my feelings.

I got surrounded by a lot of negative thoughts which were pushing me towards negativity. This negativity was adversely impacting me, my performance and my behavior.

I needed a quick relief from this mental distress. My mind was struggling hard to fix the dispute with my wife and get on the positive track at the earliest. My mind needed a good support to fix this small issue. Everybody goes through such situations at one point or another. Everybody handles such situations in his/her own way.

Whenever I get into a challenging situation, I have a habit of finding a solution instead of mourning too much over a challenge.

I realized that we all have an inbuilt support system in our body to tackle a difficult situation.
To direct my mind, I needed to take support from its greatest companion – The Intellect. 

Mind and Intellect work together to tackle every challenge. They are like a husband and a wife – keep influencing each other according to their life impressions (Sanskars). At times, they fight with each other, but ultimately come together, work together for the betterment of our life.

If Mind and Intellect don’t work together, the outcome may not be satisfactory.

These two invisible/intangible forces drive our visible/tangible body to take certain actions. It’s a great combination of Shiva (Man Power) and Shakti (Woman Power) empowering each other.

My intellect guided my mind to calm down and convinced that it was a very minor issue which could be fixed easily. The next day, my wife and I discussed the issue that we had and sorted it out.

A small discussion with open minds helped us sort out the confusion and we again become a usual happy married couple.

Sometimes, we still get into a dispute, but we sort it out quickly with a discussion. 

Mindful and intellectual communication is a key to create a “Win-Win Situation”.

How do you handle such troubling situations? Are you driven by your Mind or Intellect? Do your Mind and Intellect work together to tackle any situation? Watch out!

A great collaboration of our mind and brain is much needed in our life to tackle any situation.

Let’s enrich our life with good experiences to strengthen our Mind and Intellect to get marvelous results.

Enjoy a Mindful and Intellectual Living! 😊

Friday 16 February 2018

Trying To Win The Argument? - Take A Step Back To Move Ahead

One day, I was in hurry to go to attend a meeting. I rushed to the parking lot, got into my car and started the car engine. I switched to the first gear and moved the car forward and tried to move it back to get out of the parking area. However, I was not able to switch it to the reverse gear. 

I tried hard to switch the gear to the reverse one, but couldn’t do it. I realized there was some problem with the gearbox. I was able to switch it to the front gears, but I couldn’t switch it to the reverse gear. 

As a result, the car could move forward, but couldn't move backward. Without moving the car backward, it’s difficult for me to get it out of the parking area. If I had kept the car moving forward, I would have dashed another car or hurt somebody. I had to move the car backward to take a turn to get it out of the parking area.

Later, few people helped me move the car backward by pushing it and somehow, I managed to get it out of the parking area. I missed my meeting due to this incident and had to go to a mechanic to get my car fixed. Thankfully, I didn't have to use the reverse gear until I reached the mechanic ðŸ˜Š

I learned a lesson from this incident – Sometimes, it’s necessary to take a step back to move forward. We have grown up hearing that come what may, we should always go ahead towards our goals. A wise decision of stepping back is utmost important in certain situations to avoid a big disaster.

In our daily life, while dealing with our family, friends, colleagues, it’s necessary to be considerate and listen to them without imposing our views. It’s not necessary to win every argument, but sometimes it’s good to keep quiet and express our point at the right time. Stepping back doesn’t mean a defeat or giving up. However, it’s a thoughtful way of dealing with situations to improve the end result.

A tiger moves a couple of steps back to position to take a high and long jump. Likewise, a step back at the right time boosts our energy and helps plan our next movements. 

Would you like to share a situation where we should take a step back?

Enjoy and have a blissful life! 😊

Universal Law of Automation

In the earlier Blogs, we understood how The Universal Laws of Nature play a very important role in our life and learned The Law o...