Thursday 22 March 2018

Be A Medium – It Feels Good! :)

One day, when I was entering my office gate, somebody said: “Hello Sir” from my back. I turned around to check if anybody called me. There was a teenage boy who had called me. He looked poor and needy. I asked him the reason for calling me. He said “I need a job. Do you have one?”

I was little surprised to hear him asking for a job by calling me. I thought for a moment and told him to wait outside for few minutes. I had no idea whether there was any job opportunity in our office. I quickly met the office administrator and checked if there was any job opportunity for a needy teenage boy. She told me that there is no job opportunity in the office. However, in the factory, there was a need for a helper in the packaging department. I quickly went outside and told him whether he was interested in being a helper in the packaging department. He quickly said, “Yes, I will be happy to work from today”. I asked him his name. He said “Mangesh”.

With the admin's permission, I asked Mangesh to visit the factory and meet the factory manager to complete the joining formalities. He visited the factory on the same day, completed his joining formalities and joined the work from the next day. Thereafter, he started working in the packaging department with his full interest.

My role was to coordinate with the factory for timely production and timely delivery of the goods. While working, I used to connect with Mangesh and ask him about how he was doing his work. He used to be very happy about sharing his progress in learning the packaging. He was very happy to find work for his living and was doing his best to deliver the superior performance.

After a couple of years, I resigned from that office and joined a new company for better prospects. Mangesh called me when he got to know about my resignation. He said that he was very thankful to me for helping him get a job because he was in a dire need to earn some money to support his family. I told him that there was nothing much that I had done. It was his effort and capability to get the job.

A couple of years passed. I got busy with my new work.

One day, I got a call from Mangesh. I asked him about his work. He told me that he had started leading the packaging team. I was very happy to know his progress. He started his journey as a helper in the packaging department and over the years, he became a leader in the same department. We had a long call talking about the old factory days and at the end of the call, he again thanked me for contributing towards his success.

I was just a medium to connect him with the opportunity. In fact, there was nothing much I had done for him, but I chose to become a medium. It was all his hard work that had contributed towards his success. However, Mangesh was very much thankful to me for touching his life positively. 

In my personal and professional life, I have been trying my best to guide, develop people and become a medium to connect them to the various opportunities. A lot of them are in touch with me. They show a great amount of gratitude for my little contribution. It feels good! :)

All of us should have a few people that must have become a medium to connect us to our dreams and our better future. Let’s remember them and thank them for their contribution to help us become what we are today.

Touch somebody's life positively and be a medium to somebody’s happiness and success. It really feels good! 😊

Mangesh still calls me sometimes. We care for each other and keep wishing best for each other. I learned something from Mangesh - No work is small. With continuous efforts, we can master any task and achieve great results.

Wishing You A Happy and A Successful Life!


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