Thursday 12 April 2018

Change Is Inescapable – Face It!

I remember the days when I entered the corporate world. After joining an MNC, I was aligned to a project. Slowly and gradually, I got involved in the project activities. A lot of my colleagues became my good friends. As a team, we used to have a great time while working together and even after office hours, we used to plan a lot of fun activities. In short, the team bonding was really a great and there was a “Feel Good” factor while working.

This “Feel Good” factor didn’t last for long until we got to know that the project would shut down. For some reason, project agreement didn’t work out with the client. As a result, our leadership decided to redeploy the whole team into different projects. Everybody in the team couldn’t digest this change and was not ready to move into a different project. Nobody in the team was willing to leave the current project with such a short notice.

After constant persuading of our leads, some of us became ready to move into another project, but they were ready to move only with specific team members (close friends).

Ultimately, after rigorous efforts from the leads, the all the team members were redeployed to different projects. This was my first change in the corporate world which was difficult to digest for me. It took me a couple of years to understand why it is important for the business to take certain tough decisions.

Later, I worked on various projects as per business requirement which pushed me through different changes and shaped my professional career. Some of the changes were very challenging and some of them were not so challenging. However, challenges were common across the changes. Over a period of time, I realized that the change is constant and it’s important for our growth and development. Hence, we should embrace the change and adapt ourselves to the changing environment for the betterment of our life. We can't escape ourselves from the change.

At different stages of our Personal, Professional and Social life, we experience several changes. Sometimes, we don’t realize whether the change is good or not. That’s when we should expand our horizons of knowledge, contact the experts and take a conscious decision about tackling the change.

Today, business fundamentals are evolving fast and we need to cope up with worldwide changes. We need to be competent in the business and be flexible to meet increasing demands of the business world. Our flexibility to accept the change and being relevant in the business will open up new avenues of growth and development for the organization and the employees.

At a professional level, we experience certain changes - For example, setting up a new business, joining a new company, appointment of a new boss, new project assignment, joining a new team, working with different stakeholders, changes in organizational policies etc. These changes are part and parcel of the professional life. The one who strongly sails through these changes grows well in his/her professional life.

At a personal level, we experience changes in ourselves, in our family, friends, and relatives. As time passes, we change physically and mentally. Some changes are visible and some are not. We experience certain changes in our personal life – For example, joining school first time/joining new school, meeting new friends, appointment of a new teacher, starting college life, getting into intimate relationship, getting married, managing relationships with family members after marriage, becoming a father/mother, dealing with kids, dealing with generation gaps etc. If we can adapt to these changes strongly and coolly, our life would become easy.

If we don’t understand and accept the changes in our family, it could impact our family relations adversely. Each generation is going through innumerable changes which we need to understand and accommodate each other for the betterment of everybody’s life. I don’t mean to forget our value system. However, mapping values with the constant change will make our life easy and meaningful.

At a social level, changes are happening continuously around us. Some changes we like and some we don’t. We need to do our best to add a value to our society. After all, we are social animals. We are interdependent on one another directly or indirectly. We know the famous quote “We should change the things that we can and accept the things that we can’t change”.

Great Mahatma Gandhi has said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world”.

Let’s put our best foot forward to be part of the journey of change.

In short, change is constant, change is inevitable, change is a must. If we understand the importance of change, there is no point in getting stressed about the changes that we experience. 

Let’s be open and flexible to experience the changes and make ourselves strong enough to be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Wishing you a powerful life! 😊

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