Friday 2 March 2018

The Festival Of Colors – A Unique Celebration

It’s the time of celebrating ‘Holi’ Festival in India. Most of Indians, it’s a Holiday and Holy Day! 😊

It’s famously known as “The Festival OF Colours”. This festival has primarily got three dimensions – 

a) On the first day of Holi, a heap of dry wooden logs is aligned vertically with few other burnable things and the whole bunch is set on fire. The whole burning bunch is called a Holi. This process of burning Holi has got a very deep meaning in Indian Culture –

Fire (The so-called Red Flower) has unique importance in the humanity. Fire is worshiped on this day. There are various mythological stories behind the process of burning Holi. This Holi is a form of a YAGYA - The holy fire in which we sacrifice our temptations and purify ourselves.  The main motive is to burn negative energies around us and purify ourselves inside out to be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

b) This time is considered to be the end of winter season in India and the beginning of summer season. This is the climatic transition period between the winter and the summer season. During this time, a lot of bad bacteria take birth and spread out various deceases. Fire helps us kill such bad bacteria and purifies the environment to keep us Healthy.

When the Holi was set on fire, I clicked few pictures of the Holi flames. At a moment, the flame formed a picture of a crowned woman. It looked like the God of Fire who fuels the positive energy around us to enhance our lives.

c) The second day is called “Rang Panchami”. We celebrate this day by throwing different powder colors and splashing colored water at each other. This is the unique way of worshiping and respecting different colors of nature. Lots of good wishes are exchanged with a great amount of gratitude towards each other and the mother nature.

Lots of special dishes are prepared during this festival and friends and relatives are invited to the feast. My special menu is “Puran Poli” which I enjoy eating in this season.

May God bless everybody with enough power and energy to paint his/her canvas of life as colorful as possible. May these colors of joy make everybody’s life Happy, Healthy and Wealthy!


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