Friday 9 March 2018

Silent Noise? Have You Ever Experienced One?

After I completed my graduation, I was doing a marketing job for a couple of years. I was selling the garment accessories to the various garment exporters across Mumbai.

Most of the times, I used to be on the field work. I had to visit a garment exporter and meet the purchase officers. When purchase officers were busy, I had to wait for them. The waiting time used to vary from minutes to hours. After meeting a purchase manager, I had to discuss their requirements of garment accessories, show them samples and collect the orders if any. Some days, I used to get good sale orders, some days fewer sale orders and some days no sale orders. I used to be happy when I had sale orders and I used to be unhappy when I had no orders. I had to go through the pressurized work situation most of the times. Meeting sales target was a big challenge.

Some of the purchase managers used to treat me well. However, some of them were real jerks. They never used to treat me respectfully. Couple of them used to treat me like a beggar who was begging for orders. I used to feel like killing them. However, I had to continue with my job until I find a new one to earn my bread and butter.

I used to meet at least 4-5 garment exporters daily. It was tough to travel in the city almost the whole day. I used to carry my lunch box and had to find a good place during the noon to have a peaceful lunch. It was a challenge to find a suitable place to have a lunch. Sometimes, I used to eat in the break out areas of a garment exporter. Some days, I managed to hijack the security officer’s cabin of a garment exporter and some days, I used to find a seating place under a roadside tree to have my lunch. Sometimes, an open garden place used to be one of the options for a peaceful lunch.

I was having a tough time doing the marketing job and was actively looking for a new job which would give me a good work environment and a peaceful place to have my lunch 😊

One fine day, I finished my work at a garment exporter in the noon and was looking for a place to have my lunch. Nearby, I saw a beautiful garden and I decided to have a lunch over there. I found a good place in the shadow of a dense tree and started having my lunch. Since it was a noon, there were hardly any people in the garden.

When I was having my lunch, I saw a group of 30-40 teenage boys and girls entering the garden. They were accompanied by a couple of adults. It looked like a group of a school had come to the garden during the play time period. They started playing different games and doing different fun activities. They were running around, teasing each other, pushing each other, shouting at each other. In short, they were having a lot of fun.

I was enjoying this sporty scenario while having my lunch. I felt like I was playing with them and having a lot of fun with them. It was a very good lunch break for me!

All of a sudden, I realized that those children were almost 25 meters away from me, they were having all sort of fun, making a lot of noise. However, I couldn’t hear any sound of the noise they were making. I pulled my ears a little down and tried to hear the noise again, but nothing happened. I could see the children shouting, making a lot of noise, but no sound was reaching me. I was completely surprised and got little worried about my hearing ability.

I thought, maybe those children were quite far away from me due to which I couldn’t hear them. Hence, I finished my lunch as quickly as possible and started walking towards children’s playing area. I almost reached close to the area where those children were paying. However, still couldn’t hear any sound. I got terrified thinking there was something wrong with me. In a while, I approached one of the adults who was accompanying the children and tried to speak to him. I asked which school the children came from. The moment he started answering to me, I could hear him speaking. The moment I heard him, I was very happy realizing that there was nothing wrong with my ears. However, what he told me did touch my heart.

All of the children were special ones – dumb and deaf. Their teachers had brought them to the garden to play during the noon because there was a less crowd in the garden at that time.

After knowing this, I became speechless and got into an introspection mode. A while ago, I was terrified thinking about my hearing challenge for few moments. I started imagining these children’s life with the hearing and speaking challenges. I felt like a luckiest and a most blessed person on the earth at that moment. The stress about my job got vanished in a moment. I prayed the Almighty God to give enough strength to these children to deal with their challenges.

This one incident carried a long-lasting impression in my life. I tell myself that God has gifted me with necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to move ahead strongly on the path of life.

I remember a poem that I had read somewhere. The poet says –

“I was crying because I had no shoes,
Till I saw a boy who had no feet” 

I also remember a story in which a person was very poor and wanted instant money. One day, he meets the God and asks for money. The God says that he would give him money, but he would need something in exchange. The person agrees to give anything in exchange but needed a lot of money at any cost.

They God says “I will give you 1 million dollars in exchange for your one eye” They man happily says “Done”. Then man thinks that it’s a great deal. Then the God says “I have got another offer. I will give you 2 million dollars in exchange for another eye”.

This time the man became super happy about the offer but became little worried losing the seeing ability. While the man was deciding about exchanging his second eye, the God kept throwing few more offers in exchange for the man’s other body parts.

After hearing the multiple offers from the God, the man got horrified and pleaded the God to stop throwing the offers. The man realized that there is no use of money which he would get by exchanging his body parts. He also realized the worth of his body and denied all offers from the God.

In short, we are all born billionaires. We have already got the billion-dollar property – The Human Body. We are gifted with the necessary assets to fulfill our needs by using our body and its abilities wisely. 

Wishing you a very Happy, Health and Wealthy life! 😊

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