Thursday 15 March 2018

Try Again - A Struggle To Become A Soldier

It was a beautiful evening! I had stepped out my house to take a nice stroll in the garden. While I was walking towards the garden, my friend Ravi met me. I found him little upset. I asked him if he would like to join me for a walk. He agreed to walk with me.

I asked him why he was upset. He told me that he failed in the Army Recruitment process. That was the 5th time he had tried to get selected for The Indian Army but couldn’t make it. In every selection process, he was being rejected for one or the other reason. He was frustrated due to the repeated failures. He was telling me how tough the section process was and how best he tried to perform in each test. He was furiously telling me how some of the selecting officers were biased while doing the selection. He was so upset that he didn’t want to try for the selection again.

As a friend, I listened to him quietly and told him to calm down. I told him to prepare strongly for the next army selection. Told him to continue focussing on his diet and his physical fitness. Assured him that he would definitely be an Army Officer one day. He should continue with his efforts and do his best during the selection process.

Thereafter, he failed few more times in the Army Recruitment Process. He used to meet me after every failure and we used to discuss how hard he performed on the recruitment tests. He used to be upset and I used to boost his morale. I used to tell him to prepare himself and try one more time. He continued working hard in preparing himself and trying his best in every selection process.

Ravi was my school friend. We both completed the school education together and had traveled to the city for higher education. We both were studying in a night college and working during the day for our living. We both were struggling to get higher education and to make our careers.

Ravi was working in a restaurant. However, wanted to become an Army Officer. It was his dream to join the Indian Army from his childhood. When we were in the school, he used to like the brave stories of the soldiers and was always expressing his desire to become a soldier.

One day, Ravi came to meet me with the good news. He told me that he was selected for the Indian Army and would be leaving for the training soon. He was super excited by the selection and wanted to wear the soldier’s uniform soon. I was extremely happy for Ravi’s success. His childhood dream had come true. I wished him all the very best for his future journey!

I had heard that some of the selected candidates don’t make through the army training as it’s very tough. Some candidates give up during the training and come back home. I was little worried about Ravi and how he would make through the training. However, Ravi made through the training successfully and joined the Indian Army. 

It was a proud moment for me!

After joining the Army, we exchanged few letters to each other. In the letters, he used to mention about our childhood memories, his struggle, and how I encouraged him to achieve his dreams. He also shared how soldiers protect the country borders in the difficult climatic conditions. From Ravi, I got to know how tough a soldier’s life is. 

Hats off to all the soldiers who are working hard day and night to keep us safe and sound!

Ravi has been serving the Indian Army for more than a decade. We are still in touch with each other. I am proud of him and the Indian Army. I salute each soldier because of whom we enjoy our freedom!

From Ravi’s life, I learned that our intense desire can become a reality with our persistent and relevant efforts. We should continue performing our best in whatever we do. We shouldn’t give up on our long-term goals due to the short-term challenges.

Wishing you a great success in whatever you do! :)


  1. Very true ...👌👌
    Superbly written

  2. Hats off to Ravi, he is an inspiration for many aspired, nicely presented

  3. Very inspiring..good read vijay..

  4. मनोधैर्य वाढविणारी कथा... You're not only inspiring a soldier but also inspiring a generation
    -Sayali and Mahesh

  5. Thank you all for your feedback! :)


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